Reaching Through Latent Space:
From Joint Statistics to Path Planning in Manipulation

2022 IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)

2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

Chia-Man Hung

Oxford A2I, DRS

Shaohong Zhong

Oxford A2I

Walter Goodwin

Oxford A2I, DRS

Oiwi Parker Jones

Oxford A2I

Martin Engelcke

Oxford A2I

Ioannis Havoutis

Oxford DRS

Ingmar Posner

Oxford A2I


We present a novel approach to path planning for robotic manipulators, in which paths are produced via iterative optimisation in the latent space of a generative model of robot poses. Constraints are incorporated through the use of constraint satisfaction classifiers operating on the same space. Optimisation leverages gradients through our learned models that provide a simple way to combine goal reaching objectives with constraint satisfaction, even in the presence of otherwise non-differentiable constraints. Our models are trained in a task-agnostic manner on randomly sampled robot poses. In baseline comparisons against a number of widely used planners, we achieve commensurate performance in terms of task success, planning time and path length, performing successful path planning with obstacle avoidance on a real 7-DoF robot arm.


Path planning consists of finding a sequence of joint angles to move the robot from a start to a goal configuration. Traditional approaches suffer from a few issues. First, their planning time scales super-linearly as the complexity of the scene increases (as illustrated below). Optimisation-based planners are usually not flexible enough to handle constraints that cannot be directly expressed in joint space. Sampling-based planners, on the other hand, struggle to find solutions in scenarios where constraints render only a small volume of configuration space feasible.

Motivation 1obs

One obstacle

Motivation 5obs

Five obstacles


To address the previously mentioned issues, we introduce Latent Space Path Planning (LSPP). Our idea is to first learn a latent representation of valid robot states. We then learn high-level performance predictors acting on this latent space as well as environment information to guide optimisation in latent space. Performing this optimisation iteratively produces a sequence of latent values that translates to a joint-space path satisfying the constraints.



We learn a latent representation of robot state through a variational autoencoder (VAE). Our model takes as input a joint configuration and its corresponding end-effector position, encodes them to a latent state z and then decodes it back. Given a target position, the end-effector position of the VAE output is used to compute the distance to the target. Paths for target reaching are produced through the iterative use of activation maximisation (AM). In other words, we iteratively backpropagate the gradient of the target loss to the latent space. A planned path is produced by decoding a sequence of latent values and taking the joint configuration of the VAE output. Note that our approach does not assume access to the forward kinematics relationship. Thus, we did not take joint configuration of the VAE output to compute the target loss.

z update

Without modification, AM may often drive the latent values into parts of the latent space that have not been seen during training. Decoding these latent representations can lead to poor (joint configuration, end-effector position) pairs that are inconsistent with the desired kinematics. To encourage the optimisation to traverse regions in which the model is well defined, we introduce an additional loss term to the AM objective consisting of the likelihood of the current latent representation under its prior.

Finally, to avoid obstacles, a collision classifier, taking as input the concatenation of latent value z and obstacle information o, is trained using a binary cross entropy loss while the VAE weights remain frozen. When performing AM in the case of obstacle avoidance, we add an obstacle loss term from binary cross entropy loss to the AM loss. Our approach handles multiple obstacles by simply taking the sum of individual obstacle losses.

AM loss

Experimental results

Qualitatively, in the case of no prior loss, one of the joints reaches its joint limit and the robot fails to reach the target, whereas in the case of adding the prior loss, the robot successfully reaches the target.

No prior loss

No prior loss

Prior loss

Prior loss

The obstacle loss is critical in avoiding obstacles as demonstrated below. Without any obstacle loss, the robot ignores the obstacle and bumps into it directly. The neon light shows the colliders, and it turns red when it is in collision. Adding the obstacle loss guides the robot to reach the target while avoiding the obstacle.

No obstacle loss

No obstacle loss

Obstacle loss

Obstacle loss

Comparision against established path planning baselines from MoveIt

One obstacle

1obs LSPP

LSPP (ours)

1obs RRTConnect




1obs RRT*


1obs LazyPRM*


1obs FMT*


1obs BIT*


1obs CHOMP


Three obstacles

3obs LSPP

LSPP (ours)

3obs RRTConnect




3obs RRT*


3obs LazyPRM*


3obs FMT*


3obs BIT*


3obs CHOMP


Real-world experiment

Real panda

Real-world panda

Real in sim

Top-down view


  title={Reaching Through Latent Space: From Joint Statistics to Path Planning in Manipulation},
  author={Hung, Chia-Man and Zhong, Shaohong and Goodwin, Walter and Jones, Oiwi Parker and Engelcke, Martin and Havoutis, Ioannis and Posner, Ingmar},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},


This work was supported by the UKRI/EPSRC Programme Grant [EP/V000748/1], NIA [EP/S002383/1], the RAIN [EP/R026084/1] and ORCA [EP/R026173/1] Hubs, the Clarendon Fund and Amazon Web Services as part of the Human-Machine Collaboration Programme. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the use of the University of Oxford Advanced Research Computing (ARC) facility in carrying out this work ( and the use of Hartree Centre resources. We thank Jonathan Gammell for insightful feedback and discussions, and Rowan Border for helping with setting up BIT* and interfacing between OMPL and MoveIt. We also thank Yizhe Wu for recording real-world experiments, and Jack Collins for proofreading our work.